Free yourself from the hard work, responsibility, and stress of entertaining by allowing us to deliver quality dinner party catering services to your door! Sit back, relax and be a guest in your own home, as we bring our expertise and the finest ingredients to your kitchen. What’s more, we will prepare and cook the most delicious, exquisite dinner party meals for you and your guests, so you can spend quality time with your guests at your dinner party wherever you are based in the UK.

At Dexter’s, we will create a bespoke and unique menu, just for you and your special guests; tailored for the exacting standards and precise requirements of any dinner party occasion.

All dinner party packages include waiting staff, responsible for tasks such as setting up tables and chairs, serving food and drinks, clearing tables, and providing excellent customer service to guests. so you can sit back, relax and enjoy a restaurant experience from the comfort of your own home.